Important Information On Diabetic Foot Ulcers And Other Health Issues

Diabetes often leads to peripheral vascular disease that inhibits a person’s blood circulation. With this condition, there is a narrowing of the arteries that frequently leads to significantly decreased circulation in the lower part of the legs and the feet. Poor circulation contributes to diabetic foot problems by reducing the amount of oxygen and nutrition supplied to the skin and other tissue, causing injuries to heal poorly. Poor circulation can also lead to swelling and dryness of the foot. Preventing foot complications is more critical for the diabetic patient because poor circulation impairs the healing process and can lead to ulcers, infection, and other serious foot conditions. Treatment and Prevention

A compound of vitamin A called topical Retin-A also known as tretinoin, mainly used to treat acne problems, enhances the healing of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes, according to a report of the Archives of Dermatology. Though previous studies showed that topical Retin-A was a bit helpful in enhancing wound healing in patients with diabetes and some results were discussed by different scientifics, a group of researchers tried to know if tretinoin really helped or not to these patients. A conclusion for the researchers was that they hope that diabetic foot clinics know about this and use Retin-A when other therapies that they use don’t work.

Owing to lowered immunity due to metabolic dysfunction, a lot of opportunistic microbial pathogens find it easy to invade and infect a diabetic individual. The skin is the first level of attack and skin infections caused by bacteria, fungi and yeast are common in diabetic individuals as blood circulation becomes sluggish, and this causes the skin to become ill nourished, making it an easy target for microscopic organisms. The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.diabetic foot sores

Much like carpel tunnel, a compressed nerve can cause numbness, burning, and pain. This pain is very similar to the pain experience by diabetics in peripheral neuropathy. A number of doctors have suggested that some diabetics have compressed nerves rather than permanently damaged nerves as previously perceived. Much of the research done on this concept is still very immature. Yet, many diabetics are undergoing surgery and experiencing a reduction in pain and an increase in sensation. Always Wear Shoes That Fit Properly Avoiding going barefoot is always a good idea. When wearing shoes, making sure they are well-fitting and comfortable is a must.

Diabetes is a disease that prevents the body from using glucose effectively. As a result, too much glucose remains in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells where it is needed for fuel, according to Over time, elevated blood glucose levels can lead to a host of other medical problems, including the formation of wounds called diabetic ulcers. Diabetic ulcers typically form on the feet and, if not treated properly, can lead to amputation of toes or part of the foot. Want to lose weight? Learn more about LIVESTRONG.COM’s nutrition and fitness program! Nutrition

Some people feel pain in their calves when walking fast, up a hill, or on a hard surface. This condition is called intermittent claudication Stopping to rest for a few moments should end the pain. If you have these symptoms, you must stop smoking. Work with your health care provider to get started on a walking program. Some people can be helped with medication to improve circulation. One of the biggest threats to your feet is smoking Smoking affects small blood vessels. It can cause decreased blood flow to the feet and make wounds heal slowly. A lot of people with diabetes who need amputations are smokers. Additional Resourcesdiabetic foot ulcer treatment